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6 Common Causes of Drain Clogs

Drain clogs are a common household nuisance that can disrupt our daily lives and lead to expensive plumbing repairs if not addressed promptly. Understanding the common causes of drain clogs can help homeowners take preventive measures to keep their drains flowing smoothly. In this blog, we will explore six common reasons drains get clogged and provide tips on how to avoid these issues.

1. Hair Buildup

One of the most prevalent causes of drain clogs is hair buildup. In bathrooms, hair combines with soap scum and other debris to create a stubborn blockage. To prevent this, consider using drain screens or stoppers that catch hair before it enters the drain. Regularly cleaning these screens can significantly reduce the risk of clogs.

2. Grease and Fat Accumulation

In the kitchen, grease and fat are major culprits for drain clogs. When these substances go down the drain, they can solidify and adhere to the pipes, narrowing the passage for water flow. To prevent this, avoid pouring cooking oils or fats down the drain. Instead, collect them in a separate container, like an empty peanut tin, and dispose of them in the trash.

3. Food Residue

Food particles and residue can accumulate in kitchen drains, leading to clogs over time. To avoid this, scrape plates and utensils into the trash before washing them. Using a sink strainer can also help catch larger food particles, preventing them from entering the drain.

4. Soap Scum and Mineral Buildup

In bathroom sinks and showers, soap scum and mineral deposits can accumulate over time, restricting water flow. Hard water can exacerbate this issue by leaving mineral deposits in the pipes. Cleaning the drains with a mixture of vinegar and baking soda can help dissolve these deposits and prevent clogs. However, for more stubborn clogs, it’s essential you invest in professional drain cleaning.

5. Foreign Objects

Items like cotton swabs, dental floss, and small toys are common culprits for drain clogs. It’s important to keep these items out of drains, especially in bathrooms where they are most likely to be present. Educate household members about what should and shouldn’t be disposed of in the drains.

6. Tree Roots

For outdoor drains, tree roots can be a surprising cause of clogs. As trees seek water sources, their roots may infiltrate and obstruct underground pipes. Regular inspection and maintenance of outdoor drains can help identify root intrusion before it becomes a major issue.

Experiencing Drain Clogs? Contact MA Williams in Richmond, VA and the Surrounding Areas Today for Drain Cleaning Services You Can Count On

By being aware of these common causes of drain clogs and taking preventive measures, homeowners can avoid the inconvenience and expense of plumbing issues. Regular maintenance, proper disposal practices, and the use of protective devices can go a long way in keeping drains clear and ensuring a smooth-flowing plumbing system. Taking the time to address these issues proactively will save both time and money in the long run. For drain cleaning services you can count on, contact MA Williams today!

Top 7 Ways to Love Your Plumbing This Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and while chocolates and flowers are classic expressions of love, why not show some appreciation for an often-overlooked hero in your home? Your plumbing system works tirelessly to ensure you have access to clean water, hot showers, and a smoothly functioning household. This Valentine’s Day, let’s celebrate and express gratitude to our plumbing by following these top 7 ways to love and care for it.

1. Avoid Overloading

Like any relationship, balance is key. Be mindful of what goes down your drains. Avoid dumping grease, coffee grounds, or large food particles down the kitchen sink. In the bathroom, steer clear of flushing non-flushable items such as wipes or cotton balls. By being conscious of what you introduce to your plumbing, you’re ensuring a healthy and long-lasting connection.

2. Regular Maintenance

Just as you would nurture a relationship, regular maintenance is crucial for a happy plumbing system. Schedule routine check-ups to identify and address potential issues before they turn into major problems. A professional plumber can inspect for leaks, clear out clogs, and make sure everything is in tip-top shape.

3. Protect Against Freezing

In colder climates, like here in Virginia, frozen pipes can be a major headache for both you and your plumbing. Show your pipes some love by insulating them during the winter months. This simple gesture can prevent costly repairs and ensure a steady flow of water even in the coldest temperatures.

4. Upgrade Outdated Fixtures

Sometimes, a little makeover is all it takes to spice up a relationship. Consider upgrading outdated fixtures with newer, more water-efficient models. Not only will this enhance the aesthetics of your home, but it will also contribute to water conservation, benefitting both your wallet and the environment.

5. Mindful Water Usage

Conserving water is an excellent way to express your love for the environment and your plumbing. Fix any leaks promptly, install low-flow faucets and showerheads, and consider upgrading to a water-efficient toilet. By being mindful of water usage, you’re reducing stress on your plumbing system and contributing to a sustainable future.

6. Say No to Chemicals

Chemical drain cleaners you find at the store may seem like a quick and easy fix, but they can be harsh on your plumbing’s delicate components. Instead, opt for natural and eco-friendly alternatives. Baking soda and vinegar can work wonders to clear minor clogs without causing harm to your pipes. However, it’s always a good idea to schedule professional drain cleaning to clear those stubborn and harmful clogs. 

7. Emergency Preparedness

Every relationship faces challenges, and your plumbing is no exception. Be prepared for emergencies by knowing where your main shut-off valve is located. In case of a burst pipe or major leak, a quick response can minimize damage and save you from a plumbing disaster.

For All Your Plumbing and Drain Cleaning Needs, Contact MA Williams in Richmond, VA and the Surrounding Areas Today!

This Valentine’s Day, don’t forget to express your gratitude to the unsung hero of your household – your plumbing system. By following these top 7 ways to love and care for your plumbing, you’ll ensure a long-lasting and harmonious relationship. After all, a little TLC for your pipes goes a long way in creating a home filled with love and functionality. Contact MA Williams today for all your plumbing and drain cleaning needs in Richmond, VA and beyond!

5 Ways to Prevent Frozen Pipes This Winter

As the winter chill sets in, homeowners face the annual challenge of preventing frozen pipes. Frozen pipes can lead to significant damage, causing not only inconvenience but also costly repairs. Fortunately, there are certain measures you can take to safeguard your plumbing system and avoid the headache of dealing with frozen pipes. In this blog, we’ll explore five effective ways to prevent frozen pipes this winter.

1. Insulate Exposed Pipes

One of the primary causes of frozen pipes is exposure to cold air. Insulating your pipes can provide a protective barrier against freezing temperatures. Start by identifying pipes in unheated areas such as basements, attics, or crawl spaces. Use foam or fiberglass pipe insulation to wrap these exposed pipes, creating a buffer that helps retain heat. This simple and cost-effective solution can significantly reduce the risk of frozen pipes in vulnerable areas of your home.

2. Seal Gaps and Cracks

Cold drafts entering your home can contribute to frozen pipes. Inspect the exterior of your home for any gaps or cracks that could potentially allow cold air to seep in. Use weatherstripping or caulking to seal these openings, especially around windows, doors, and where pipes enter your home. By minimizing drafts, you not only enhance energy efficiency but also create a warmer environment that helps prevent pipes from freezing.

3. Keep a Consistent Temperature

Maintaining a consistent temperature throughout your home is crucial in preventing frozen pipes. During particularly cold nights, resist the urge to lower the thermostat drastically. Instead, set your thermostat to a consistent temperature, day and night. Consider keeping cabinet doors under sinks open to allow warm air to circulate around pipes. Additionally, if you plan to be away from home, set the thermostat to a temperature that will prevent freezing.

4. Drip Faucets in Freezing Conditions

Allowing faucets to drip slowly during extremely cold weather can be an effective preventive measure. This slight flow of water helps alleviate pressure within your pipes, which will ultimately reduce the risk of freezing. While it may seem counterintuitive to let faucets drip to conserve water, the minimal amount used in this preventive measure can actually save you from the inconvenience and cost of dealing with frozen pipes.

5. Drain and Shut Off Outdoor Water Sources

Outdoor water sources, such as garden hoses and sprinkler systems, are susceptible to freezing. Before winter sets in, disconnect and drain hoses, storing them in a warm location. Also plan to turn off the water supply to outdoor faucets and consider installing freeze-proof outdoor faucets if possible. This proactive step ensures that water isn’t left sitting in outdoor pipes, reducing the likelihood of freezing and potential damage.

Contact MA Williams Today for All Your Plumbing Needs in Richmond, VA and the Surrounding Areas

Taking preventive measures to avoid frozen pipes is a wise investment of time and effort. By insulating pipes, sealing gaps, maintaining a consistent temperature, dripping faucets in freezing conditions, and shutting off outdoor water sources, you can protect your plumbing system from the harsh winter elements. These simple steps not only save you from the inconvenience of dealing with frozen pipes but also contribute to the longevity and overall well-being of your home. As winter approaches, make these preventive measures a priority to safeguard your pipes and enjoy a worry-free season. Contact MA Williams for all your plumbing needs today.

Top 6 Most Common Plumbing Problems in Winter

As the winter season approaches, homeowners prepare for colder temperatures by insulating their homes, checking their heating systems, and bundling up. However, one crucial aspect often gets overlooked—plumbing. Cold weather can wreak havoc on your plumbing system, causing a range of common problems that can be both inconvenient and costly to fix. In this blog, we’ll explore the top six most common plumbing problems that arise during the winter months and discuss how you can prevent and address them.

1. Frozen Pipes

One of the most dreaded plumbing issues during winter is frozen pipes. When the temperature drops, water inside your pipes can freeze. This can cause them to expand and potentially burst. Burst pipes can cause extensive water damage in your home. To prevent this, insulate your pipes, especially those in unheated areas like the attic or basement. You can also allow a small trickle of water to run through faucets during freezing temperatures to keep the water flowing and prevent freezing.

2. Clogged Drains

Winter often means more indoor activities and holiday gatherings, which can put added strain on your plumbing system. Cooking and washing dishes more frequently can lead to grease and food debris going down the drain, potentially causing clogs. To prevent this, use drain guards to catch food particles. Not only that, but you should avoid pouring grease down the sink at all costs. Regularly clean your drains using a mixture of vinegar and baking soda to break down any buildup that has accumulated.

3. Water Heater Issues

Your water heater works much harder during the winter to provide hot water for showers, laundry, and dishwashing. If you notice a decrease in water temperature or unusual noises coming from your water heater, it may be struggling to keep up with demand. Have your water heater serviced before winter, and consider insulating it to improve its efficiency.

4. Leaking or Dripping Faucets

Cold weather can cause the rubber seals in your faucets to contract and become brittle, leading to leaks or drips. Not only is this wasteful, but it can also result in higher water bills. Inspect your faucets for leaks and replace worn-out washers or seals promptly. Consider installing frost-free outdoor faucets to prevent freezing and leaking in garden hoses.

5. Septic Tank Issues

Winter weather can be particularly harsh on septic systems. The frozen ground can make it difficult for wastewater to drain properly, potentially causing backups or sewage spills. To avoid these problems, have your septic tank inspected and pumped before winter. Be mindful of what you flush down the toilet and avoid excessive water use during cold spells.

6. Sump Pump Failures

If your home has a basement, a sump pump is a crucial component for preventing flooding. In winter, melting snow and heavy rainfall can increase the risk of basement flooding. Make sure your sump pump is in good working order by testing it regularly. Consider installing a battery backup system to ensure it continues to operate even during power outages.

MA Williams is Here for All Your Plumbing Repair, Maintenance, Installation and Replacement Needs in Richmond, VA and Surrounding Areas

Winter can be a challenging time for your plumbing system, but with proper maintenance and precautions, you can avoid the most common issues that arise during the colder months. Regularly inspect and maintain your plumbing, and be prepared to take action if problems do arise. By staying proactive, you can keep your home comfortable, warm, and dry throughout the winter season. MA Williams specializes in plumbing repair, maintenance, installation, and replacement. Whether you need to have your drains cleaned, a leaky faucet repaired, or your water heater maintenance, we’ve got you covered. Contact us today. 


How Best to Avoid Clogged Drains During the Holidays?

The holiday season is a time for joy, laughter, and spending quality time with loved ones. However, it can also be a time when your plumbing system faces increased stress due to the extra cooking, cleaning, and guests in your home. One common plumbing issue that tends to rear its ugly head during the holidays is clogged drains. In this blog, we’ll explore some tips on how to prevent clogged drains during the holiday season and discuss why scheduling professional drain cleaning after the festivities can be a smart move.

1. Dispose of Cooking Grease Properly

One of the main culprits behind clogged kitchen sinks during the holidays is cooking grease. When you prepare those delicious holiday feasts, it’s essential to avoid pouring hot grease down the drain. Instead, let the grease cool and then scrape it into a disposable container. Once it solidifies, you can throw it away. This simple step can prevent grease buildup in your pipes, reducing the likelihood of a clog.

2. Use Sink Strainers

Sink strainers are inexpensive but effective tools for preventing food particles, debris, and small objects from going down the drain. During the holidays, make sure your kitchen sink has a strainer in place, and remind your guests to use it as well. Empty the strainer regularly to ensure it doesn’t become a hindrance itself.

3. Be Mindful of What Goes Down the Garbage Disposal

Your garbage disposal can be a lifesaver in the kitchen, but it’s not invincible. Avoid overloading it with large quantities of food scraps and fibrous materials like potato peels and celery, as these can easily lead to clogs. Also, run cold water while using the garbage disposal to help flush waste away.

4. Educate Your Guests

If you’re hosting guests during the holidays, a friendly reminder about what should and shouldn’t go down the drain can go a long way. Let them know about your disposal and strainer rules, and ask them to help you keep your plumbing system in good shape.

5. Regularly Flush Drains with Hot Water

Running hot water down your drains regularly can help keep them clear of residue and buildup. After washing dishes, pots, and pans, let hot water run for a few minutes to help prevent the accumulation of grease and soap scum in the pipes.

Pro Tip: After Holidays is a Good Time for Professional Drain Cleaning

While prevention is crucial, sometimes clogs can still occur despite your best efforts. After the holiday season has passed, consider scheduling professional drain cleaning with MA Williams. Our professional plumbers have specialized tools and expertise to thoroughly clean your drains and remove any stubborn clogs or buildup that may have developed during the festivities.

Professional drain cleaning not only helps prevent future clogs but can also improve the overall health and longevity of your plumbing system. It’s a proactive step that can save you from more significant plumbing issues down the road.

Schedule Professional Drain Cleaning With MA Williams in Richmond, VA and the Surrounding Areas Today!

The holidays should be a time of celebration and happiness, not plumbing problems. By following these tips to avoid clogged drains and considering professional drain cleaning after the holidays, you can ensure a stress-free and joyful season with your friends and family. Remember that a little prevention now can go a long way in maintaining your plumbing system’s health and efficiency. MA Williams is here to help you get things flowing freely again. Contact us today!

Prep Your Plumbing for Fall: A Quick Guide

As the leaves start to change color and the air turns crisp, it’s a sure sign that fall is upon us. While you may be thinking about pumpkin spice lattes and cozy sweaters, it’s also important to consider how the changing season can affect your home, particularly your plumbing system.

Fall brings with it a unique set of challenges for your plumbing, from dropping temperatures to increased rainfall. Taking some time to prep your plumbing can help you avoid expensive repairs while ensuring a smooth transition into the colder months. Here’s a quick guide to get your plumbing ready for fall.

1. Inspect Your Outdoor Plumbing

Your outdoor plumbing, including hoses, sprinkler systems, and outdoor faucets, is vulnerable to freezing temperatures. Before the first frost hits, it’s crucial to disconnect and drain your garden hoses. Stow them away in a dry place to prevent them from cracking.

Next, shut off the water supply to your outdoor faucets and drain any remaining water from the pipes. Consider installing frost-proof hose bibs if you live in an area with particularly cold winters to protect your outdoor plumbing from freezing and bursting.

2. Clean Out Your Gutters

Fall is known for shedding an abundance of leaves, which can clog your gutters and downspouts. When gutters become blocked, water can overflow, potentially causing water damage to your home’s foundation and roof. Regularly clean your gutters and downspouts throughout the season to prevent these issues.

3. Insulate Exposed Pipes

Pipes located in unheated areas of the home, such as basements, crawl spaces, and garages, are at risk of freezing during colder nights. To prevent this, consider insulating them with foam pipe insulation or heat tape. This added layer of protection can make a significant difference in keeping your pipes from freezing and bursting.

4. Check for Leaks and Drips

Fall is an excellent time to check for any leaks or drips in your plumbing system. Even small leaks can waste a large amount of water and drive up your water bills. Inspect faucets, toilets, and any visible pipes for signs of leaks. If you notice any issues, address them quickly in order to save water and prevent further damage.

5. Service Your Water Heater

As the temperatures drop, you’ll likely be relying on your water heater more to provide warm showers and hot water for various household tasks. Schedule a professional maintenance check for your water heater to ensure it’s running efficiently. Flushing the tank, checking the heating element, and inspecting for any signs of corrosion can help extend the life of your water heater and reduce energy consumption.

6. Protect Your Sump Pump

If your home has a sump pump, it plays a crucial role in preventing basement flooding during heavy rain and snowmelt. Before fall’s wet weather sets in, inspect and test your sump pump to make sure it’s working correctly. Clear any debris from the sump pit and consider installing a battery backup system to keep it running in case of a power outage.

7. Winterize Your Outdoor Plumbing Fixtures

If you have an outdoor kitchen, shower, or other plumbing fixtures that won’t be in use during the winter, take steps to winterize them. Disconnect and drain any water lines, and consider using insulation or covers to protect these fixtures from freezing temperatures.

Contact MA Williams for All Your Fall Plumbing Needs in Richmond, VA and the Surrounding Areas

Preparing your plumbing for fall is a proactive approach to avoid potential problems down the road. By taking these steps to protect your plumbing system, you can ensure a warm and stress-free transition into the colder months, leaving you more time to enjoy the beauty of autumn without worrying about plumbing issues. MA Williams is here to help, though. Whether you need your sump pump maintained, your water heater repaired, or you need a seasonal plumbing inspection, our team of experts has you covered. Contact us today!

Brewing Up Trouble: How Coffee Can Cause Plumbing Problems

International Coffee Day is coming up on October 1st. Coffee is a beloved beverage enjoyed by millions around the world. It provides a much-needed boost of energy and a comforting ritual to start the day. However, while coffee may be a source of joy for many, it can also cause some unexpected plumbing problems. In this blog, we will explore the potential issues that coffee can pose to your plumbing system and offer some tips to mitigate these problems.

1. Clogging the Drain

One of the main plumbing problems that coffee can cause is drain clogging. When you brew coffee, it produces used coffee grounds and oils that can accumulate in your plumbing system over time. These grounds can clump together and create blockages in your drains, leading to slow drainage or even complete clogs.

Solution: To prevent coffee grounds from clogging your drains, it’s important to dispose of them properly. Avoid pouring coffee grounds down the sink or flushing them down the toilet. Instead, place them in a compost bin or throw them in the trash.

2. Damaging the Garbage Disposal

Many people use their garbage disposals to get rid of coffee grounds, thinking it’s an easy way to dispose of them. However, this can be problematic. Coffee grounds are small and dense, which makes them difficult for garbage disposals to break down effectively. Over time, they can build up and cause damage to the blades and motor of the disposal unit.

Solution: Instead of putting coffee grounds down the garbage disposal, dispose of them in the ways mentioned earlier. If you do use your disposal for other food waste, ensure you run plenty of water before, during, and after disposing of it to help flush out any remaining particles.

3. Scale Build-up in Coffee Machines

Scale build-up is a common issue in coffee machines, especially in areas with hard water. The minerals present in water, such as calcium and magnesium, can accumulate on the internal components of your coffee maker, affecting its performance and longevity. This build-up can lead to clogs, reduced water flow, and even damage to the heating elements.

Solution: Regularly descale your coffee machine as per the manufacturer’s instructions. This will help remove the mineral deposits and keep your coffee maker functioning optimally. Using filtered or softened water can also help reduce scale formation.

4. Leaking Coffee Machines

Coffee machines, particularly older or poorly maintained ones, can develop leaks. These leaks can be caused by worn-out gaskets, faulty seals, or loose connections. If left unattended, the leaking water can damage your countertops, cabinets, and even seep into your walls, leading to more severe plumbing issues.

Solution: Regularly inspect your coffee machine for any signs of leaks, such as water pooling or dampness around the base. Replace worn-out gaskets or seals promptly, and ensure all connections are tight and secure.

Contact MA Williams Today for All Your Plumbing Needs

While coffee is a delightful beverage, it’s important to be mindful of its potential impact on your plumbing system. By taking a few simple precautions, you can avoid common issues like drain clogs, damage to your garbage disposal, scale build-up in coffee machines, and leaking appliances. Proper disposal of coffee grounds, regular maintenance of coffee equipment, and using filtered water can go a long way in preventing plumbing problems. So, enjoy your cup of joe, but remember to brew it responsibly to keep your plumbing flowing smoothly. Contact MA Williams today for all your plumbing needs!

Top 5 Common Plumbing Myths You Should Stop Believing

Plumbing is an essential aspect of our daily lives, yet it remains shrouded in mystery for many homeowners. Over time, various myths and misconceptions have circulated, leading to confusion and potential problems. In this blog, we debunk the top 5 common plumbing myths that you should stop believing. By understanding the truth behind these misconceptions, you can save yourself from costly repairs and ensure your plumbing system functions smoothly.

Myth 1: Lemon peels clean your garbage disposal

One of the most prevalent myths is that putting lemon peels in your garbage disposal will help clean and freshen it. While the citrusy scent might temporarily mask odors, the fibrous nature of lemon peels can actually harm your disposal. The peel’s stringy texture can wrap around the disposal’s blades, causing clogs and damage.

Myth 2: You can flush anything down the toilet if it fits

Many people believe that if an object can fit down the toilet, it’s safe to flush. This misconception can lead to serious plumbing issues. Toilets are designed to handle human waste and toilet paper specifically. Flushing items like baby wipes, facial tissues, cotton balls, feminine hygiene products, or paper towels can cause blockages in your plumbing system, leading to backups and potential damage.

Myth 3: A leaky faucet is harmless

A persistent leaky faucet may seem like a minor inconvenience, but it can waste a significant amount of water over time. The constant dripping not only increases your water bills but can also lead to damage in your plumbing fixtures. Leaks can cause corrosion and deterioration, potentially resulting in the need for expensive repairs or replacement. It’s always best to address a leaky faucet promptly to save water and prevent further damage.

Myth 4: You can fix any plumbing issue with DIY methods

While it’s admirable to tackle minor plumbing issues on your own, not all problems can be solved with DIY methods. Plumbing systems are complex, and attempting to fix major issues without proper knowledge and experience can lead to more damage and expensive repairs. It’s essential to know your limits and call a professional plumber for complex problems, such as major leaks, sewer line issues, or water heater malfunctions. Investing in professional help can save you time, money, and headaches in the long run.

Myth 5: Putting a brick in the toilet tank saves water

Another common plumbing myth is the belief that placing a brick in the toilet tank can save water. However, this is a misconception as modern toilets are designed to use a specific amount of water per flush for effective waste removal. Placing a brick can disrupt the toilet’s flushing mechanism, leading to incomplete flushing and potential clogs. Additionally, the brick can deteriorate over time, affecting the toilet’s performance. Instead of relying on ineffective methods, consider investing in water-efficient fixtures like dual-flush or low-flow toilets and practicing mindful water usage habits to conserve water effectively.

Contact MA Williams Today for All Your Plumbing Needs

Plumbing myths can be misleading and potentially harmful to your plumbing system. By debunking these common misconceptions, you can make more informed decisions and take better care of your home’s plumbing. Remember, it’s important to rely on accurate information and seek professional assistance when needed. By dispelling these myths and staying well-informed, you can maintain a healthy plumbing system and avoid unnecessary headaches in the future. For all your plumbing needs, contact MA Williams today!


6 Simple Steps To Keep Your Drains Clear During The Summer Months

With summer in full swing, it’s time to enjoy the warmer weather, backyard barbecues, and fun outdoor activities. However, the summer season can also bring some challenges, particularly when it comes to maintaining your drains. From increased water usage to potential clogs caused by outdoor activities, it’s important to take steps to keep your drains clear and prevent any plumbing issues. In this blog post, we’ll discuss six simple steps to help you keep your drains flowing smoothly during the summer months. 

1. Be mindful of what goes down the drain

One of the most effective ways to prevent drain clogs is to be mindful of what you allow to go down your drains. Avoid disposing of grease, oil, or food scraps down the kitchen sink, as they can solidify and cause blockages. In the bathroom, make sure to use drain covers to catch hair and other debris. By being cautious about what goes down the drain, you can significantly reduce the risk of clogs. 

2. Stay hydrated, but watch your water usage

Staying hydrated is important during the summer, but excessive water usage can put a strain on your drains. Be conscious of how much water you’re using and avoid running the tap unnecessarily. Consider taking shorter showers, fixing any leaky faucets, and using efficient water-saving appliances. By conserving water, you’ll not only help the environment but also reduce the stress on your drains. 

3. Clean your drains regularly

Regular drain cleaning is crucial to maintaining their functionality. Flush your drains with hot water at least once a week to help clear away any minor buildup. You should also consider using drain screens or strainers to catch debris before it enters the pipes. Additionally, schedule professional drain cleaning regularly to keep your drains in tip-top shape. 

4. Be cautious with outdoor activities

Summer is the perfect time for outdoor fun, but it’s important to be mindful of the potential impact on your drains. When hosting backyard parties or barbecues, remind your guests not to dispose of food scraps, oil, or other waste down the outdoor drains. Use screens or filters to prevent leaves, grass, or other debris from entering the drains and causing blockages. By being proactive, you can prevent major plumbing headaches. 

5. Schedule professional inspections

Regular professional inspections can help identify any potential issues with your drains before they become significant problems. Consider hiring a licensed plumber to inspect your plumbing system, including the drains, at least once a year. They can perform a thorough assessment, identify any blockages, and provide expert advice on maintenance and repair.

6. Practice prevention

Prevention is always better than dealing with a plumbing emergency. Invest in drain covers or screens for all your drains, both indoors and outdoors, to catch debris and prevent it from causing clogs. Educate your family members and guests about the importance of proper drain usage and provide clear instructions on what should and shouldn’t be disposed of down the drains. By instilling good habits, you can reduce the risk of clogs and keep your drains flowing smoothly. 

Contact MA WIlliams Today for All Your Drain Cleaning Needs. We Will Help Keep Your Drains Clear!

Maintaining clear drains during the summer months is crucial to avoid plumbing issues and ensure a stress-free season. By following these 6 simple steps, you can keep your drains in optimal condition. Remember to be mindful of what goes down the drain, watch your water usage, clean your drains regularly, be cautious with outdoor activities, schedule professional inspections, and practice prevention. With these preventative measures, you can enjoy a summer free from drain clogs and plumbing problems. Schedule professional drain cleaning with MA Williams today. 

Top 5 Most Common Plumbing Issues In Summer

Summer is a season of relaxation, fun, and outdoor activities, but it is also a season that can bring some unexpected plumbing issues. As the temperature rises, so does the likelihood of encountering common plumbing problems. In this blog, we will discuss the top five most common plumbing issues in summer and how you can prevent them from happening.

1. Clogged Toilets

Clogged toilets are one of the most common plumbing issues during summer. With more people using the bathroom due to increased outdoor activities and parties, the chances of a toilet getting clogged also increase. To prevent this issue, make sure to inform your guests about what can and cannot be flushed down the toilet. Providing a trash can in the bathroom can also help reduce the risk of clogs.

2. Leaking Outdoor Faucets

Outdoor faucets can develop leaks due to the wear and tear caused by constant use during summer. This can result in water wastage and higher utility bills. To prevent this issue, make sure to turn off the faucet tightly after each use and inspect the faucet for any leaks or damage.

3. Sewer Line Backup

Summer rains can cause sewer line backups due to the excess water overwhelming the sewer system. This can result in unpleasant odors and sewage backup in your home. To prevent this issue, make sure to have your sewer system inspected and cleaned regularly by a professional plumber.

4. Water Heater Problems

As the temperature rises, the demand for hot water decreases, and your water heater may not be used as frequently as it was during winter. This can cause sediment buildup in the tank, leading to reduced efficiency and increased energy bills. To prevent this issue, have your water heater inspected and flushed at least once a year.

5. Garbage Disposal Troubles

Hosting a backyard barbecue this summer? Keep in mind that barbecues and outdoor parties can put a strain on your garbage disposal. Disposing of fibrous or hard-to-grind foods like corn cobs, fruit pits, and bones can cause damage to the blades and motor. To prevent this issue, make sure to only dispose of food waste that is safe for your garbage disposal.

Contact MA Williams For All Your Professional Plumbing Needs in Richmond, VA and Surrounding Areas Today

Summer is a season that brings with it some common plumbing issues. By taking preventive measures, such as informing your guests about what can be flushed down the toilet, turning off outdoor faucets tightly, having your sewer system inspected, flushing your water heater, and being careful about what you dispose of in your garbage disposal, you can avoid these issues and enjoy a stress-free summer. If you encounter any plumbing problems at any time, however, MA Williams is here to help! We are here for all your plumbing maintenance, repair, replacement and installation needs. Call us at 804-684-8300 or fill out our online form here.