dangers of diy plumbing

While there are a lot of plumbing problems you can handle yourself, there are some that require professional assistance. Certain plumbing issues can be complicated and even dangerous to do on your own, no matter how experienced you are as a DIY plumber. If you’re not fully convinced, check out this post by the pros at MA Williams listing the exact dangers of DIY plumbing.

1. Water Damage

Water damage is a very real threat posed by DIY plumbing. Whether it’s a burst or frozen pipe, a sewer or drain leak, it’s important to leave it to an actual plumber than handle it yourself. If you troubleshoot the problem incorrectly or without the right tools and experience, you might be causing serious damage to your home in the future.

Water damage can lead to a whole plethora of problems such as mold and mildew in your walls, cabinets and ceilings. In addition to that it can lead to corrosion, damage furniture and upholstery and even the structure of your home. It might be tempting to try your hand at plumbing repair after a few tutorials, but it’s best to leave it to the professionals as they will be able to provide efficient repair services without any damage to your home.

2. Expense

Saving money is perhaps the most tempting thing about DIY plumbing (or really anything). However, you’ll quickly find out that by troubleshooting problems with the twist of a screwdriver might provide a short-term solution and will still be costing you money in the long run. While some problems are easily fixed with just a screwdriver, others might require more tools and techniques to troubleshoot.

3. Damaged Fixtures

If you try your hand at DIY plumbing, you might be doing more harm to your plumbing fixtures than good. Improper repairs can cause damage to your fixtures and will hinder their performance. These can lead to frequent repairs over time, leaks, corrosion, burst pipes and cracks in your plumbing fixtures.

4. You Might Hurt Yourself

Performing DIY plumbing without the right safety precautions might not only hurt your plumbing but it might hurt you! In order to tackle some plumbing jobs, you might require complex tools and some safety knowledge, which you might not have. There is a high chance you might hurt yourself or your family if you handle certain plumbing problems on your own. Some physical dangers DIY plumbing poses are dangerous odors, exposure to sewage, flooding and tool mishaps.

Want to Know More About the Dangers of DIY Plumbing? Get in touch with the pros at MA Williams!

If you’re tired of DIY plumbing and are looking for a top-notch plumber in Richmond, VA, contact us at MA Williams! Our technicians and plumbers provide high-quality services whether you’re dealing with a leaky pipe, strange odor, faulty shower or clogged drain. We offer repairs, installations and maintenance services to ensure that every fixture in your home is in good working order. Call us today at 804-250-5625 or schedule a service online!