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Top 5 Fall Plumbing Tips Every Homeowner Should Know

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Top 5 Fall Plumbing Tips Every Homeowner Should Know

  1. Insulate Your Pipes

Are your pipes located in non-heated areas, such as your basement or garage? If so, then make sure they are insulated to prevent freezing this winter. Insulating your pipes in the fall have several benefits, including:

  • Preventing heat loss from the pipes
  • Saving energy and decreasing your heating bill
  • Keeping pipes from freezing
  • Controlling condensation
  • Reducing the expansion and contraction of pipes due to temperature changes
  • Preventing burns when hot water pipes are exposed
  1. Check Your Outdoor Faucets

A leaky faucet that drops at the rate of one drip per second could waste more than 3,000 gallons of water a year, according to the EPA. Even though it is essential to fix any household leak, it is especially important for outdoor faucet leaks this time of year. As we enter into the colder months, leaky outdoor faucets could be especially problematic. Costly water damage, high utility costs, and other serious plumbing maintenance issues are just some of the things that can take place when the temperatures get at or below freezing this winter.

  1. Check Out Your Water Heater

When it gets colder outside, your water heater has to work harder to provide you with the same amount of hot water. To keep your water heater running as efficiently as possible throughout the fall and winter months, make sure to have it flushed. Flushing your water heater can remove any sediment buildup and blockages that have accumulated overtime.

  1. Clear Your Gutters

We often forget just how important our gutters are, until they get clogged or break. This fall, make sure to give your gutters some love. Falling leaves can cause serious problems for your gutters and drainpipes. Gutters are designed to prevent overflow of water. Without a fully functioning gutter, rainwater has nowhere to go. Not only can this cause clogs, but this can also add excessive weight to the system, resulting in separation of joins, cracks, and other problems.

  1. Inspect Your Sump Pump

Last but not least, make sure your sump pump is clean and in good working condition this fall. One way to do this is to pour a bucket of water on it and see if it turns on and pumps the water out or not. If you notice it isn’t working as it should, or it has foul odors, contact a plumber right away. A sump pump is less likely to freeze this winter if it’s well-maintained.

Need Professional Plumbing Assistance? Contact The Pros At M.A. Williams For All Your Plumbing Needs in Richmond, VA and Surrounding Areas!

If you’re needing an experienced, professional plumber for your hot plumbing needs, look no further than MA Williams. Whether you need help with your pipes, leak detection, water heaters, sump pumps or something else, we have you covered. To schedule your appointment today, contact us at 804-250-5625 or fill out our online form here so a team member can be in touch with you soon.

5 Tell-Tale Signs It’s Time For A Hot Water Heater Replacement

plumbing, water heater, water heater replacement, hot water heater, hot water heater replacement

While water heaters are designed to last several years, they won’t last forever. They are bound to experience issues at some point like any household appliance. Here are 5 tell-tale signs it’s time for you to replace your hot water heater.

  1. Old Age

According to the Department of Energy, water heaters can usually last anywhere from 10-15 years. Once you reach that 10-year mark, you should consider a replacement – even if it hasn’t shown signs of failing. The last thing you want is for your water heater to fail one day, leaving you with no hot water unexpectedly. Needless to say, the older your water heater is, the more you’re at risk of it acting up.

  1. Rusty Water, Valve or Pipes

In order to keep your home healthy and sanitary, any signs of rusty water should be addressed quickly. Sometimes rusty water can come from your pipes, but other times it can come from your water heater. One way to know for sure is schedule an appointment with your local plumber to assess the situation and give you a solution. Not only can rusty water be a sign it’s time for a water heater replacement, but if you have a rusty valve, this can also be a sign. Once rust enters the tank, the only option is to replace it.

  1. Strange Noises

If there is noise coming from your water tank, then you have a problem. As the heater ages, rumbling noises can start to get louder and louder as the tank tries to heat up water. Usually, noises coming from your water heater indicate sediment buildup. One way to fix this issue is to flush your water heater on an annual basis.

  1. Leaks

If your water heater is reaching the end of its expected life, then you have an increased chance of seeing water leaking from your tank. You may notice you have a leak when you see wet spots on the floor around your water heater. A leak can not only be an inconvenience, but it can also be damaging depending on where your water heater is located in your house.

  1. No Hot Water

No hot water when it comes to your hot water heater is never a good sign. Without warm water, you can’t take comfortable showers, run your laundry machine, or do basic household tasks you normally could. Sometimes, this just means your water heater needs to be repaired. However, depending on how old your water heater is, you may be looking at having to get a replacement.

Are You Needing Your Hot Water Heater Replaced In Your Richmond, VA Home? MA Williams Is Here To Help With All Your Water Heater Needs!

If you’re needing an experienced, professional plumber for your hot water heater needs, look no further than MA Williams. To schedule your appointment today, contact us at 804-250-5625 or fill out our online form here so a team member can be in touch with you soon.

Top 6 Summer Plumbing Tips Every Homeowner Should Know

summer plumbing, summer plumbing tips, plumbing tips, plumbing tips for homeowners, home plumbing, home plumbing tips

Top 6 Summer Plumbing Tips Every Homeowner Should Know

Summer isn’t over – yet. It’s not too late to give your plumbing a little TLC before saying goodbye to the hot weather. Here are the top 6 summer plumbing tips every homeowner should know.

  1. Inspect Your Home For Leaks

According to the EPA, the average household’s leaks account for 10,000 gallons of water lost per year. Even the smallest leak can waste a lot of water – and cause your water bills to increase. Get ready to enter the fall season completely leak free and inspect your home for leaks – big and small. Consider hiring a leak detection company, like MA Williams. You can also do a visual inspection yourself by making sure the most leak-prone areas in your home (toilets, faucets, and showerheads) are dry.

  1. Prevent Toilet Clogs

Toilet clogs can be super frustrating. As life returns somewhat back to normal after the Coronavirus pandemic, chances are the traffic in and out of your home has increased. Make sure you don’t have any major toilet blockages by avoiding flushing anything that’s not toilet paper. Despite the name, even flushable wipes aren’t safe for your toilet because they’re harder to break down than simple toilet paper.

  1. Prevent Garbage Disposal Clogs

If you have kids, it’s likely you’ve found popsicle wrappers in your sink this summer. If you’ve hosted a BBQ recently, you may have even found some bones in the sink from those delicious hot wings you made for everyone. Be mindful of what is safe to go down a garbage disposal – and what is not. Avoid garbage disposal clogs by making sure you dispose of the following items in the trash: bones, wrappers, eggshells, lemon peels, pits and seeds, grease and oil, coffee grounds, and more.

  1. Try To Save Water

Try to save water as best you can. Water usage often increases during the summer months, so make sure you’re using it only where you need it most. That means try shortening your showers, turn off the faucet when you’re brushing your teeth, or fully loading up your dishwasher when using it instead of washing only a few dishes at a time. Make those small changes will make a big difference in your next water bill.

  1. Clear Your Drains

The fall seasons brings with it lots of fallen leaves. In order to prevent bigger clogs, make sure to clear your outdoor drains and downspouts so that they’re free of dirt and leaves this summer. That way, it’s clean before fall has a chance to take over. If you don’t clean your drains, they could clog up and cause damage. The last thing you want to deal with is cracks and leaks.

  1. Schedule An Appointment With A Plumber

While there are a lot of plumbing tasks you can handle on your own, there are some that require the help of a professional. Schedule an appointment with a plumber so they can inspect your plumbing system and ensure it’s ready to handle the rest of summer – and the changing of seasons. A professional inspection can save you money in the long run.

Want To Schedule An Appointment With A Richmond, VA Plumber? Contact MA Williams Today!

MA Williams is here for all your plumbing needs. Contact us today at 804-250-5625 or contact us online here so a team member can be in touch with you shortly.

Top 5 Signs It’s Time To Replace Your Garbage Disposal

garbage disposal, garbage disposal tips, replacement garbage disposal, replace garbage disposal, garbage disposal replacement, garbage disposal signs

Top 5 Signs It’s Time To Replace Your Garbage Disposal

Many homeowners don’t realize how much they need their garbage disposal – until it breaks down. Garbage disposals can last up to 15 years if properly maintained. However, sometimes it experiences problems and can’t get the job done for you. Here are 5 signs it’s time to replace your garbage disposal.

1. Strange or Unusual Sounds

Your garbage disposal may be loud, but it shouldn’t be making strange sounds. If you’re noticing a new sound that wasn’t there before, it’s usually an indication that there’s a problem with your garbage disposal. First, check if anything is blocking the unit. For example, there could be a small piece of silverware or something else causing a blockage. Before checking, however, make sure your garbage disposal is off.

2. Bad Odor

Does your garbage disposal have a bad smell that you can’t seem to get rid of, no matter how much you clean it? Then it may be time to replace it. Sure, old food and waste carry bad odors with it, but if your garbage disposal is properly functioning, then this shouldn’t be an issue. A bad odor that you can’t get rid of is usually an indication that you have particles trapped somewhere in the unit. If your unit is already old and having these problems, it may be worth the investment to get a new one versus trying to repair it.

3. It Won’t Turn On

A garbage disposal that won’t turn on usually indicates a serious problem. A few things homeowners can do include:

  • Check If It’s Turned On
  • Press The Reset Button On The Garbage Disposal
  • Check The Circuit Breaker

If all else fails, then it’s time to call a professional plumber for assistance. A plumber can help you detect the cause of the issue and give you solutions to fix it.

4. Frequent Resets

If you’re having to frequently reset your garbage disposal to get it to work properly, then it may be time to look into a replacement. The reset button is intended to help the garbage disposal recover from unusual situations, like clogs. However, if your garbage disposal is in otherwise good shape, you shouldn’t have to use the reset button that much. If you’re having to reset it every time you turn it on, there may be a serious issue with your garbage disposal.

5. Water Leaks

Sometimes water leaks can range in severity. These leaks may leave puddles underneath the sink, a pool of water on the floor, or persistent dripping from under the garbage disposal itself. If you’re noticing water leaks, you should have a plumber take a look. Not only can water leaks indicate a need for possible garbage disposal replacement, but it can also lead to higher-than-usual water bills.

MA Williams Is Here To Help With All Your Richmond, VA Plumbing Needs!

Got garbage disposal problems? MA Williams is here to help! Give our pros a call today if you’re experiencing issues with your garbage disposal and we can have a professional plumber out to your home to assess the situation. Call us today at 804-684-8300 or fill out our online form here.

Signs You Need To Replace Your Sump Pump

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Signs You Need To Replace Your Sump Pump

A sump pump is essential in protecting your home from water damage. Whether from a storm or a plumbing issue, water damage can cause mold, staining, and even total losses in some instances. With a sump pump installation, you can have peace of mind knowing that your home is protected no matter how bad a storm gets. Here are the top 5 signs it’s time to replace your sump pump.

  1. Old Age

Even though most manufacturers can’t guarantee the lifespan of sump pumps, generally if it’s at least seven years old, you should start looking into a replacement. The reason manufacturers can’t say for sure how long a sump pump can last is because it’s highly dependent on a lot of different factors. For example, the climate in which you live. If you experience a lot of rainfall, your sump pump will have a shorter lifespan.

  1. Visible Rust or Damage

Signs of visible rust is usually an indication that your sump pump needs some TLC. This rust is most likely harmful bacteria. Although it’s not harmful to humans, it can be harmful to your plumbing. This bacteria can clog your sump pump and block water flow.

  1. Loud and Weird Noises

While your sump pump does make sounds, it shouldn’t ever have a rattling, grinding, or gurgling sound to it.  Usually these sounds mean there’s a problem with the motor. Sometimes these problems can be fixed with a simple repair, but in some cases, you should really think about replacing the entire sump pump.

  1. Frequent Running

If your sump pump sounds like it’s running constantly, then it could indicate there’s a problem with the switch. Not only can this be an inconvenience, but it can also lead to bigger issues if not addressed right away. The longer you let this problem go, the more overworked your sump pump becomes. Wondering what can cause the overdrive of your pump?

  • The switch has become stuck, clogged, or tangled
  • You have the wrong-sized sump pump installed
  • There’s a missing or broken check valve
  • A continuous, heavy flooding in your sump pit
  1. Stopped Working Altogether

If your sump pump has completely stopped working altogether, then you should look into a replacement. Not only can this be an indication of a motor failure, but it can also be caused by wiring and electrical problems, frozen and clogged drain hoses, or other malfunctions.

Are You In The Market For A Sump Pump Replacement? Give The Pros at M.A. Williams A Call Today!

We are here for all your sump pump repair and installation needs. When it comes to your sump pump, we guide you through the entire process and are there for you every step of the way. M.A. Williams provides every customer with the dedicated service and care they deserve. It is our goal to protect your home and always make you and your family feel safe. If you’re looking for professional sump pump replacement services in Richmond, VA, give us a call at (804) 376-5680 or fill out our online form today.

Common Signs Of A Plumbing Leak

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Common Signs Of A Plumbing Leak

Sometimes, plumbing leaks can be hard to find – but they can be costly and even damaging. According to the EPA, a leaky faucet that drips at the rate of one drip per second, for example, can waste more than 3,000 gallons per year. There are a few common signs you may be dealing with a hidden plumbing leak in your home.

  1. Low Water Pressure

If you turn on the water to your faucet or shower and notice the water isn’t rushing out like normal, this means you’re dealing with low water pressure – which could be a sign of a plumbing leak. Usually, this means that water is leaving through the leak before it reaches the fixture.

  1. Damage To Your Walls, Ceilings, and/or Floors

Wet spots that appear to have come out of nowhere are most likely caused be a leak in your home. For example, if you notice a damp spot in your carpet that is unexplained, or visible signs of water in your walls, it’s time to call a plumber.

  1. Higher-Than-Usual Water Bills

Unless you have guests coming and going frequently, your water bill will remain fairly consistent. If you notice that your bills are skyrocketing and there’s no explanation, this could be an indication of a plumbing leak. Even the smallest leaks can be a contributing factor to your high water bills.

  1. Mold Or Mildew Growth

Did you know mold only takes 24-48 hours to grow? If there’s a water spot left for any longer than that, mold will start to make itself at home. If you see mold or mildew growth where there should never be mold or mildew, you may have a leak in your pipes.

  1. Strange Odors

If you have a musty smelling room, you might have a hidden water leak on your hands. You  may not be able to see visible signs of mold growth, but a musty smelling room may be an indication of a plumbing leak behind your walls or under the floors.

  1. Structural Damage

Worst case, your plumbing leak is so severe that it causes damage to the foundation and structure of your home. While homes naturally settle and crack over time, sudden, unexplained cracks or gaps in your foundation are not a good sign. If you notice cracks in your structure, you shouldn’t wait any longer to call a plumber.

M.A. Williams Is Here For All Your Leak Detection And Repair Needs!

If you need help repairing and/or detecting leaks in your home, M.A. Williams in Richmond, VA is here to help! We are your one-stop-shop for all your plumbing needs. Our main priority is to keep you and your family comfortable and safe. We understand that leaks can be tough to detect. That’s why we come equipped with the proper tools and skills to accurately test and repair leaks. Contact us today at 804-250-5625 or fill out our online form here.

Common Tub/Shower Valve Installation Issues

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Common Tub/Shower Valve Installation Issues

Changing a bathtub or a shower valve can be one of the most challenging and complicated plumbing tasks for people who don’t have experience with plumbing projects. People who try to DIY this, often run into issues that require the help and expertise of a professional plumber.

It’s not uncommon for tub and shower valves to experience issues overtime. Common issues include normal wear and tear, lime scale and dirt buildup, and changes in hot water pressure. When it comes to tub/shower valve installation, there are three common issues DIYers frequently come across.

  1. No Access Panel

Replacing your tub or shower valve would require you work within the walls – but what happens if you can’t reach the old pipes? Then, you’re unable to successfully connect the new valve. While having an access panel isn’t required, it’s a good thing to have. If you don’t already have one, then you can cut a hole through your wall. However, there are many things you should consider before doing so. To eliminate stress and save you time, call a licensed plumber for assistance.

  1. Galvanized Steel Pipes

Galvanized steel pipes can cause a lot of issues. Some of those issues include low water pressure, uneven distribution of water, water discoloration, and leaks. Not only that, but galvanized pipes can also be dangerous to your health. Studies have shown galvanized piping has been linked to elevated levels of lead in drinking water. If you come across these pipes when installing a new tub or shower valve, consider a complete or partial re-pipe.

  1. Replacing Handles

The goal to a successful valve replacement is to make sure you don’t ruin the tile while attempting this project. If you’re replacing a two-handle shower valve with a single-handle, there is a way to do it without having to tear through your wall – but it’s not easy. The best way to replace handles is to use a conversion plate. This plate will cover the old holes and allow you to do this job through the hole already in your tile.

When In Doubt…. Call Your Friends At MA Williams For Tub/Shower Valve Installation Support

Replacing tub and shower valves is not an easy feat. As you begin your project, you might run into challenges such as loose tiles, rusty pipes, and many other problems. To eliminate stress, save you time, and make your life easier, turn to the professional, licensed plumbers at MA Williams to assist. Whether it’s 1 a.m. or 1 p.m., you’ll always be connected to someone who can help quickly and efficiently. MA Williams is here for all your plumbing needs. Give us a call today at 804-684-8300 or contact us online here.

How Hydro Jetting Improves Plumbing in Your Home

how hydro jetting can improve plumbing in your home

Having slow drains or consistently recurring clogs is frustrating to deal with. Luckily, there are many options to deal with such problems and one of them is an interesting process called hydro jetting. Keep reading this guide by the pros at MA Williams if you want to know what hydro jetting is and how it can improve the plumbing in your home.

What is Hydro Jetting?

Hydro jetting is the process of clearing pipes and removing blockages using high-pressure water jets. These jets can remove all debris, clogs and buildup from pipes and your plumbing system using adjustable pressure gauges.

How Does it Work?

Many plumbers will first inspect your plumbing or sewer system using small video cameras. This way they will be able to determine the cause of clogging and even figure out if your pipes are broken or weak. After that they will find the ideal spot to insert a hose and begin hydro jetting. The hose is strong and durable and can pump 20 gallons of water a minute, which is also equivalent to 5,000 psi.

How Is Hydro Jetting Better Compared to Other Unclogging Solutions?

Other unclogging solutions such as plungers or drain snakes are better for one-time clogs. However, if you find that you have recurring clogs in various fixtures throughout your home, you might need a more thorough solution like hydro-jetting. This is better because it clears away any kind and any size of debris, grease or mineral build-up anywhere in your pipes or plumbing system. This process essentially gives your pipes a more thorough cleaning preventing other problems like water waste and sewage backups.

Why You Should Choose Hydro Jetting

Here are some reasons why hydro jetting might be just right for you!

  • No Chemicals

Many people rely on chemicals to wash out clogs. While chemicals might work, they are very harmful on your pipes and plumbing. Hydro jetting is a chemical free solution.

  • Removes All Clogs

It removes all clogs from hair, soap scum, waste, debris etc. It cleans out your pipes without wrecking your plumbing.

  • Long Lasting Solution

While plumbing, using chemicals or drain snakes might work once or twice, hydro jetting provides a long-lasting solution. You won’t have to worry about clogs for a long time.

  • Safe for Plumbing System

Hydro jetting is a safe way of getting rid of blockages, especially when it is carried about by experienced professionals and plumbers. If done by experts, hydro jetting will be useful and safe on your pipes.

Have any more questions about hydro jetting and how it can improve the plumbing in your home? Get in touch with the pros at MA Williams! Call us today at 804-250-5625 or schedule a service with us on our website. Our team of experts offer a variety of plumbing and drain cleaning services and will be more than happy to help out! We look forward to hearing from you!